Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Glitter Eyeshaddow NOT FDA APPROVED in USA

Color Additives and Cosmetics

FDA just called us back. Glitter Eyeshadow is NOT FDA approved by ANYONE SELLING IT IN THE USA!

We can pay $2000.00 or $3000.00 by submitting a FDA petition showing safety testing, asking for FDA to approve glitter in eyeshadow. 

However, particle size of glitter, metal or plastic ingredient used to create glitter and the eye area..... we don't believe will pass the muster to pay that price, sigh. 

Anyone using glitter eye makeup that buys it and gets it in the eyes causing eye damage, can sue any company selling it and their INSURANCE can DECLINE to pay due to it NOT being legal to sell in the USA as an FDA approved eye makeup! 

If the FDA hasn't approved the ingredient for cosmetics, it ISN'T legal to sell and NOT covered in the USA. A glitter eye makeup lawsuit can totally DESTROY any cosmetic company in the USA. 

So, we won't be selling it.


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